Ashley Litwiller

NCE Success Stories Podcast - Ep. 10 - Ashley

January 02, 20250 min read

Ashley serves humans through the hills and valleys of life as a Camp Program Manager, Ordained Minister, and now LPC! She never planned to pursue a master's program while working 50+ hour weeks. She beat test anxiety, and so can you!

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Sara Meeter

I thank you for all your help and your program. This was my fourth time taking the NCE and because of your program I passed!Thank you so very much!


Lynne Boyette

Yesterday, I took my NCE exam and passed!  I guess there is hope for someone who graduated with their masters 23 years ago!



I passed last week & wanted to thank you for all your help in doing so! The practice exams helped TREMENDOUSLY with becoming more confident in test taking! Good luck to anyone taking it soon!