Passing the NCE - Jessica

NCE Success Stories Podcast - Ep. 5 - Jessica

December 02, 20220 min read

Jessica has been working in the field of mental health for over 15 years. She loves working with children and adults as she is just starting her career as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Passing the NCE has brought great relief to her and she’s thrilled that not having to study for the test has opened up a great deal of family time in the last couple of weeks since passing the NCE.

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Sara Meeter

I thank you for all your help and your program. This was my fourth time taking the NCE and because of your program I passed!Thank you so very much!


Lynne Boyette

Yesterday, I took my NCE exam and passed!  I guess there is hope for someone who graduated with their masters 23 years ago!



I passed last week & wanted to thank you for all your help in doing so! The practice exams helped TREMENDOUSLY with becoming more confident in test taking! Good luck to anyone taking it soon!